Quilt Camps are intended to introduce people of any age, who have never quilted, to the art of quilting.
The Quilt Camp Leadership Packet can be downloaded here and should be reviewed before making a funding request. You will be contacted by the Director-at-Large and may be required to provide additional information.
The organizer requesting funds must be a WSQG member.
Each student under age 18 should have a parent/guardian sign the Liability Waver Form. This form may be found by clicking the link or page 5 of the camp guidelines.
IMPORTANT: A Report must be submitted with receipts for expenses to be reimbursed. The report and receipts should be sent to the Treasurer.
Photos and a synopsis of the event should be sent to the Director-at-Large to be shared with the Board, Patchwords and Website.
This form, which can be found on Page 6 of the guidelines, can be submitted on paper as well.