In keeping with the mission of our organization, funds from membership and the convention are used to purchase informative, educational quilt books for County Libraries to benefit members and potential members of the Wyoming State Quilt Guild.
Verna Lawrence is the current Committee Chair for the Books for County Libraries. She invites recommendations for books and those suggestions are brought before the WSQG Board for approval. Recommendations may be submitted using the on-line Form or by contacting Verna directly.
Book plates are placed in the books to note that they have been donated by the Wyoming State Quilt Guild. Books are delivered by the five Regional Directors and the libraries are responsible for distributing or lending them to the branches.
2024 The Quilting Bible: [5 in 1] The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Quilts of Every Kind, Covering Every Step from Beginning to End | Including Easy-to-Follow, Clearly Illustrated Projects for Beginners by Myrtle McCarthy
The Mouse in the Quilt Shop, Caring is Sharing by Debbie Dee
2023 All-Star Quilts of Valor: 25 Patriotic Patterns from Star Designers
by Ann Parsons Holte, Mary W. Kerr, Quilts of Valor Foundation and Tony L. Jacobson
The Many Quilt Squares of Mrs. Sinclaire by Rachel Ragsdale and Kaitlyn Arnold (illustrator)

2022 Simple Whatnots III by Kim Diehl
The Little Ghost Who Was a Quilt by Riel Nason
2021 Sewing Stories: Harriet Powers’ Journey from Slave to Artist by Barbara Herbert
Urban Quilting: Quilt Patterns for the Modern-Day Home by Wendy Chow
2020 Modern Quilt Bible: Over 100 techniques and Design Ideas for the Modern Quilter by Elizabeth Betts
The Arabic Quilt – An immigrants Story by Aya Khalil and Anait Semirdzhyan
2019 Civil War Legacies II: 17 Small Quilt Patterns for Reproduction Fabrics by Carol Hopkins
Grandma’s in the Garbage by Steve and Mica Westover
2018 HerStory Quilts: A Celebration of Strong Women by Susanne Miller Jones
The Flying Sewing Machine by Nancy Zieman
2017 The Fabric of Memory by the Heart Mountain Wyoming
Foundation; Reuben and the Quilt by Merle Good and P. Buckley Moss

2016 American Quilts: The Democratic Art by Robert Shaw; A Quilt for Mr. Mac; A Quilt of Valor Story by Phyllis E. Kaldenberg

2015 Quilter’s Academy, Volume I by Harriet Hargrave and Carrie Hargrave
The Quilt that Gave a Hug by Phyllis E. Kaldenberg
2014 500 Art Quilts: An Inspiring Collection of Contemporary Work (500 Series) by Ray Hemachandra and Karey Patterson Bresenhan
Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement by Parron, Suzi
The Quilt Walk by Dallas, Sandra
2013 Roderick Kiracofe and The Keeping Quilt: 25th Anniversary Edition by Patricia Polacco Going West : Quilts and Community by Sandi Fox
2012 Quilters Hall of Fame by Anne Fahal
2011 Goddess of the Last Minute by Robbi joy Eklow
2010 Quilts are Forever by Kathy Lamancusa, The Tale of Alice’s Quilt by Jennifer Blomgren and Color Mastery – 10 Pinrcipals for Creating Stunning Quilts by Maria Peagler
2009 Once Upon a Quilt: A Scrapbook of Quilting Past and Present by Margret Alrich, Quilting News of Yesteryear – 1,000 Pieces and Counting by Sue Reich and Mother Earth and her Children – A Quilted Fairy Tale by Sibylle von Olfers.
2008 Quilt of Belonging: The invitation Project,by Esther Bryan The Quilt of Belonging: Stitching Together the Stories of a Nation by Janice Weaver (Children’s book – companion to quilt of Belonging) and Alzheimer’s Forgetting Piece by Piece by Ami Simms.
2007 Nancy Crow by Nancy Crow – This is a coffee table book for all audiences. Creative Quilting: The Journal Quilt Project by Karey Patterson Bresenhan features 8″ x 11.5″ quilts made with a variety of techniques and media and exhibited at International Quilt Festivals. Kathy Lichtendahl is one of the artists this year. Oma’s Quilt by Paulette Bourgeois was the third selection. This book is illustrated by Stephane Jorisch and is a story told from the viewpoint of a young girl while her grandmother transitions to a retirement home.
2006 America from the Heart: Quilters Remember September 11, 2001 by Karen Bresenhan (Editor) and The Quiltmaker’s Journey by Jeff Brumbeau and illustrated by Gail de Marcken.
2005 Shota and the Star Quilt, by Margaret Batesson-Hill and Gloria Runs Close to Lodge with illustrations by Christine Fowler and Lakota text by Philomine Lakota and The Quilts of Gee’s Bend by Tinwood Press

2004 Color Play, Joen Wolfrom, Sweet Dreams, Moon Baby, Elly Sienkiewicz, Vintage Quilts,Identifying, Collecting, Dating Preserving & Valuing, Bobbie Aug and Sharon Newman and Machine Quilting, A Primer, Sue Nickels
In 2003 two adult books and a children’s book were donated, All About Quilting from A-Z, Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine; To Honor and Comfort : Native Quilting Traditions, Michigan State University Museum; The Quiltmaker’s Gift, Jeff Brumbeau, Gail de Marcken (illustrator)
2002 Quilts from the Civil War, Barbara Brackman; Quilt Counting, Lesa Cline-Ransome

2001 Dating Fabrics, A Color Guild 1800-1960, Eileen Trestain
2000 Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!! The Complete Guide to Quiltmaking, Laura Nownes, Diana McClun

1999 Encyclopedia of Appliqué, Barbara Brackman
1998 Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, Barbara Brackman