This Form must be submitted to the Board of Directors by Regional Director planning the Regional Event or their designated event coordinator. A sponsored Regional Event is a WSQG function and subject to reporting in compliance with 501(c)(3) regulations. If the Form below is submitted digitally it will go directly to the Regional Director for your region. See the Standing Rules for Regional Event Rules.
A sponsored Reginal Event must be approved by the Board of Directors. Invitations must go to region members first. After the initial invitation it can go to other regions and to non members. The event must be held in the State of Wyoming and be open to the public (space permitting), to promote the mission statement and to recruit quilters and WSQG membership.
Organizers of the event may not receive monetary or in-kind benefit from the event. If a profit is realized from the event, approved funds will not be issued by WSQG.
IMPORTANT: If approved, a report showing income and expenses, accompanied by receipts for the expenses being claimed, MUST be submitted within 60 days of the event’s completion to the WSQG Treasurer, in order for funds to be released. Submit report online or Print Form.